Buenos Aires Pizzeria | Central Denver | Pizza, Argentinian | Restaurant

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Buenos Aires Pizzeria

Ariel Fried
The menu at this understated Argentine pizza joint lists forty types of pizza, each as unique as a snowflake, and not one bearing a single slice of pepperoni. Hearts of palm? Absolutely. Corn? You bet. The salty Crudo features prosciutto and sun-dried tomatoes; there are sliced oranges, pineapple and shredded coconut on the Tropical. And shredded hard-boiled egg adorns about half of the offerings: Apparently the Argentine people were the first to discover that hard-boiled egg (both whites and yolks) lends a weird, wonderful, almost nutty flavor to a slice. But this place doesn't just hew to its namesake; check out the empanadas, canastitas (open-faced empanadas), sandwiches and gelato -- and don't forget to wash it all down with a wine smoothie. Salud!