See also: - Westword Book Club: Lynda Hilburn on vampires, erotica and literary escapism - Ten places to ride your bike this summer - Sneak peek: Each piece is a world all its own in Nick Cave: Sojourn at the DAM
The Prestige at the Denver Central Library (Tuesday) Fresh City Life's steampunk film series continues with Christopher Nolan's epic mindbender, The Prestige. Following the rivalry between late nineteenth century illusionists played by Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale, the film is a great dark thriller full of crazy plot twists and cool magic tricks.
Free Tour at the Governor's Residence at Boettcher Mansion (Tuesday) Want to take a peek inside the historic Governor's Residence? This is your chance to get a free tour of the landmark. Starting today, from 1 to 3 p.m. every Tuesday through August 20, you can take a free, 45-minute tour that will let you see the ins and outs of the beautiful building while you also hear some history.Foothills Community Concert Series at Clement Park (Thursday) Enjoy an outdoor concert at the Grant Family Amphitheater, which is part of the Foothills Community Concert Series. Grab a spot on the lawn, make yourself comfortable, and listen to the musical stylings of Something Underground.
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