"One of the more popular elements of the Bond series are the songs," notes Mayan manager Tim Cloran. "We thought it was a great way to showcase some local bands doing their own spin on the songs, and a great way to close up our summer season."
Singer-songwriter Chella Negro will take on Dr. No tonight. She'll be followed by a yet-to-be-announced act doing From Russia with Love (1963) on August 16. After that is blues/jazz/funk singer Jesse Garland with Goldfinger (1964) on August 23 and indie-pop act The Raven and the Writing Desk opening for You Only Live Twice (1967) on August 30.
Cloran selected only Sean Connery movies because "everyone else who played James Bond is always compared to him. We wanted to show films that have stood the test of time, and these Bond films from the '60s have done that."
The films run at 7 and 9:45 p.m. at the Mayan, 110 Broadway. For information and tickets, visit www.landmarktheatres.com/Market/Denver/MayanTheatre.htm.
Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Starts: Aug. 9. Continues through Aug. 30, 2011