The control is handled as best as it could be; the arrow keys will move you around, and you can use the mouse to rotate the cube, giving you a chance to comprehend what the hell you have to do to get through it. There are a few really clever clues to get you through the stages that we won't ruin here, but pay close attention to your surroundings and you'll find certain sections to be a bit easier.
Cardboard Box Assembler will tax your brain quite efficiently. It will also likely cause you to have a mental breakdown at least once during your play through. It's an easy concept to understand and the rules are explained well at the beginning, but that doesn't make any of the later levels any easier. Thankfully, those without the perseverance to power through a little bit of brain-taxing can skip levels when they get too difficult. You won't be penalized too hard for this, but any sense of self-satisfaction will certainly be drained away and kicked to the ground.
As you progress, things do start getting incredibly complicated and hard, but by the end the gimmicks start rolling in a bit too fast and aren't allowed to be explored too in-depth. Still, if you've got the gusto to get to the end, it's a rewarding experience that will make you feel a bit smarter by the time you see the credits roll. The look of it isn't anything particularly special, but the function outweighs any cosmetic debit.
Thankfully, the game has a fantastic soundtrack to go along with it. It's not clear when puzzle games started having the requirement of a funky, quirky score, but Anosou Music delivers it in spades.
You can play is here.