That production will showcase patriotic-themed stylings by the Colorado Symphony Orchestra, a light show and, of course, a fireworks display off the roof of the Denver City and County building. "The Colorado Symphony is absolutely amazing, and so this is an incredible opportunity to not only see them free, but to experience them in the outdoor beauty of Civic Center Park with the added spectacle of the light show and the fireworks," explains Lent.
To handle the larger crowds, Lent says the Conservancy is bringing out a better stage and sound system as well as JumboTrons, so that people as far back as the Capitol Building will be able to see the action. Another new feature is a live broadcast on CBS4 so that people at home can see the show. For those attending the event, food vendors will be on hand to provide snacks.
Civic Center Independence Eve is free and fires off tonight at Civic Center Park, Colfax Avenue and Broadway, at 8 p.m., but Lent suggests getting there early to claim the best spots to view the show. For more information, visit
Sun., July 3, 8-10 p.m., 2011