So are you excited that your face could soon be highlighted and identified in a photo you don't really want associated with your person? Not that Facebook hasn't already taken care of that kind of social embarrassment by allowing "friends" to tag you as a bong or a beer can or LolCat in their photos. But at least as it stands right now with Facebook, the act of "untagging" is still an option.
Who knows what Google will bring --the Internet has become a deft tool of shame, but with the amount of web real estate it currently holds, Google could take smearing your personal life to a whole new level. Maybe in the near future, you will be able to walk down the street and snap a photo of a girl at a bus stop, Google Goggle her, and find out everything you've ever wanted to know about her eating habits, shoe size, place of employment, etc. The stalking possibilities are truly endless. Thanks, Google!