Scott Banning of the itchy-O Marching Band writes persuasively about that need:
"We have an expensive habit...crashing your life. We don't do it for money, obviously, but it's a complicated endeavor. We've got 20+ players, stomping around with 30+ pounds of fragile gear on their backs. We love the element of surprise and the freedom to play just about anywhere and anytime (except in the rain). ... We may invest a couple of hours of prep and staging for each launch, but it's on our time and at our pace. There's a lot of freedom in that. We sometimes book shows, but the majority of our sets are guerrilla-style. Every once in a while a fan will throw a buck or two at us (usually at one of our sexy spastic cymbal players), which is sweet, but we're not buskers. We really want to give an experience, wake up some arts appreciation in the community."
But the itchy-O marching band is not going to lie down and just take its situational martyrdom for granted. No, Banning is sending out a plea for help: He's seeking backers, via, where fans can pledge donations online to help the group raise $3,000 toward releasing a new five-song CD and film about IOMB. IOMB's appeal to the community has thirteen days left, and he's almost there. Follow this widget to the Kickstarter page and a short video montage documenting the madness that is itchy-O.
Hail, IOMB! Long may you drum.