“It’s all locals we’re showcasing again,” says Gio Toninelo, one of the festival’s co-founders. “The show goes from 3-D animated CGI to stop-motion. The variety of animation is extreme, from collage to action figures to computer animation. The lineup is all new — nothing old, no repeats.”
The work of students, professionals and amateurs alike will be on display, covering everything from Pixar-like kids’ fare to the kinds of extreme weirdness only possible in the animated realm. Most of the filmmakers will be on hand, as well, in case you’re looking for collaborators or just want to offer some well-deserved praise.
The show starts tonight at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6:30) at the Bug Theatre, 3654 Navajo Street; admission is $5. For more information, visit denveranimationfestival.com.
Sun., Sept. 28, 7 p.m., 2014