Directed by Emmy winner donnie l. betts, the satire is a commentary on both hip-hop’s history and Campbell’s own experience in the industry as an artist, unfolding in a Behind the Music style. Campbell plays with numerous archetypes in the one-man show as he portrays characters central to Jigaboo’s life. The performance will be followed by a discussion of race, hip-hop, youth and community accountability, featuring local music and education experts Musa Bailey, Mane Rok, LadySpeech, Shareef Aleem and Ami Desai.
Who Killed Jigaboo Jones? opens at 8 p.m. tonight at work | space, 2701 Lawrence Street; the panel discussion begins at 10. Performances will continue through October 19; for a schedule and tickets, $16 to $20, visit
Thursdays-Saturdays, 8 p.m. Starts: Oct. 4. Continues through Oct. 19, 2013