See also: Free movie time: Bark (the movie) invites weirdness The five best songs of the Summer of Love
BARK is one of those high-art projects where the more you learn about it, the less you understand it. But it also seems the film is not intended to be "understood" in the traditional cinematic sense -- or at least, understanding it is not integral to enjoying it. "I don't know how the message comes through," says Berry. "It depends on how you watch the film: You can really get the message or you can just get the music and the imagery."
At its core, the plot revolves around a synthetically constructed moon in the year 2525, where buffalo are raised to produce a miracle, high-protein jerky that is then exported to earth. There's also a love story in there somewhere. And a Jefferson Airplane album. And a war. And someone walking away from said war. (It is definitely not to be confused with the 2002 Lisa Kudrow film of the same name, but not all in caps.)
Wednesday's screening of BARK, played repeatedly in a 48-minute loop, is not the film's premiere. Berry has been repeatedly showing it in "guerilla bombings" around town and beyond, hauling a trailer with projector and generator by bike and setting up shop in surprise locations. One showing involved a Guinness World Records-esque achievement of being "the only film to have ever played underground in downtown Park City during a Sundance Film Festival," Berry says proudly.
BARK begins its loop at 6 p.m. Wednesday, October 24, at the Mercury Cafe; the event is free. For more information, visit
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