Rutherford finds his answer in his most recent endeavor, Captured in Film, a rich collaboration with Augustana Arts, Buntport Theater Company and the University of Colorado Denver’s film department. The organizations will present two 1920s silent films — Charley Chase’s Mighty Like a Moose and Buster Keaton’s One Week — and one newly produced nod to the silent-film era, all accompanied by the symphony and live vaudeville performances.
“The thing I like about silent film is that it requires more from the viewer. It takes a little more of your imagination. In modern films, everything is provided for you, but because you’re still reading or creating the sounds of people’s voices in your mind and not hearing everything [in silent film], I find it really engaging and fun,” he says.
Join Rutherford for an evening of silent cinema, vaudeville and classical music at the Holiday Event Center, 2644 West 32nd Avenue. Tickets, $24, are available online at or by calling 303-388-4962.
Fri., April 25, 7:30 p.m.; Sat., April 26, 7:30 p.m., 2014