Judging these entries was one of the most difficult things I’ve done — and I’ve judged the Pulitzers, where they lock judges up in a room for days on end. But then, most journalism contests just deal with one medium — print — and that doesn’t begin to capture the amazing creativity exhibited by the dozens of artists who entered, all working in many, many mediums, sometimes employing all of them in just one piece. I wish that I could have accepted every entry, to show the depth of talent out there. Instead, I had to settle — reluctantly — for just a sampling from all the excellent work that stimulates the head at the same time it touches the heart.
It definitely touched mine. Meet many of the artists — and a very humbled judge — at tonight’s opening reception from 5 to 9 p.m., which coincides with the opening of Core’s newest show, Flora/Fauna/Figura. Both exhibits stay up through September. Find out more at wcaco.org.
Thu., Sept. 12, 5-9 p.m.; Thursdays-Sundays. Starts: Sept. 12. Continues through Sept. 29, 2013