And the restaurant’s Meg Pohlod, who shares one of those studios herself in addition to curating exhibits and running the floor downstairs, thinks it’s time folks had a chance to explore the world upstairs. “I don’t feel that Denver really knows about it,” she says. “The whole idea is to have an open afternoon for people to come check it out and experience all the awesome art that’s being made.”
She’s talking about today’s Art Pile!, a free afternoon of mingling with artists, followed by live music and an art raffle. The studios will open their doors for shmoozing and — if you’re interested — selling art, beginning at 3 p.m.; the music, provided by Joshua Novak and Pretty Mouth, will strike up around 8:30 or 9 p.m. And happy hour falls conveniently in between downstairs, making a mid-tour drink and vegetarian dinner an easy option.
Find City, O ‘City at 206 East 13th Avenue (entry to the upstairs is around the corner on Sherman Street); for information, go to
Sat., Aug. 10, 3 p.m., 2013