Blevins wrote a sidebar that looked at a Dartmouth study that compared government and resort data and found that resorts in New England tended to exaggerate weekend snow by nearly 25 percent:
Comparing data from government weather stations and reports from nearby ski areas in New England from 2004 to 2008, professors Jonathan Zinman and Eric Zitzewitz concluded that resorts increase their snowfall by 23 percent on weekends.
And resorts more dependent on visitors from nearby cities tended to have even more embellished "weekend effects" than more remote resorts, according to the study.
However, good cell coverage now shoots a gaping hole in the strategy:
Blevins goes on to quote Joel Gratz of who deemed Centennial State resorts "pretty accurate" in their snow reporting.Ironically, during the study period, a new iPhone application emerged that allows users to report their own snow observations at various resorts.
Suddenly, according to Zinman and Zitzewitz, "exaggeration falls sharply, especially at resorts where iPhones can get reception."
No such study has ever alluded to Colorado resorts fudging their numbers.
Anybody out there take issue with the snow reporting by Colorado resorts? Or is it spot-on? Leave a comment and let the world know.
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