Following the whirlwind productions, Bolder Serial will perform the second installment of Paper Castles, an episodic sitcom on stage. "The actors have done such a fabulous job," says producer Vonalda Utterback. "It's a little bit like a soap opera in that you get really involved in these characters' lives." Following four main characters in a failing bookstore, the show comes complete with a tumultuous love story, a character in a wheelchair who may or may not be able to walk again, and magic muffins that make everyone who eats them a little happier. And after the play, you'll get to help decide what happens to the characters. The theater will hold an audience talk-back after the show and take comments into consideration for the next installment on April 8.
Bolder Nights begins tonight at 6:30 p.m. at the Nomad Theater, 1410 Quince Avenue in Boulder. For information and tickets -- $17, or $12 for students and seniors -- go to
Sun., March 11, 6:30 p.m., 2012