Do the Buntporters feel challenged by this new way of doing an old thing? Not so much. Or they at least feel the challenges are good ones, as ensemble member Evan Weissman explains: "Generally, the folks at Stories on Stage try to stage our shows in a way that is different than most SOS productions. But this isn't even what we do with them normally. The inherent thing that's fun about it is that so many of these stories get to the point pretty quick. Maybe the real challenge is making sure it doesn't feel too much like an MTV video."
Given the free-range (and often hilarious) approach Buntport takes with its own material, it's hard to imagine that happening, so give it a shot: See their take on flash fiction at Su Teatro, 721 Santa Fe Drive, at 1:30 or 7:30 p.m. For tickets, $15 to $25, visit
Sat., Jan. 21, 1:30 & 7:30 p.m., 2012