The result is The Playground, a tapestry of five short plays written on short notice by five local women. The show opens today for a three-weekend run and includes stories about everything from “firemen and superheroes to soccer moms and angels.”
Lyles says the production came together in seat-of-the-pants fashion: Rebecca Gorman O’Neill, Leslie C. Lewis, Nina Alice Miller, Carrie Printz and Nicolette Vajtay threw together their scripts beginning in September, then “sat in on rehearsals, tweaking and rewriting,” all in a period of about four weeks. “I’m not sure my playwrights are ready to kill me yet,” Lyles says. “It’s asking a lot, but they’ve risen to the challenge.”
See how it all came together tonight at 7:30 p.m. at work | space, 2701 Lawrence Street in the Laundry on Lawrence; shows run through November 22. For tickets, $20 to $22 (or $11 on Cheap Date Night, November 12), call 720-583-3975 or visit
Wednesdays-Saturdays, 7:30 p.m.; Wed., Nov. 12, 7:30 p.m. Starts: Nov. 6. Continues through Nov. 22, 2014