“There’s a timeless message with Rod Serling’s scripts, and we’ve done our best to try and preserve that,” says co-director Vonalda Utterback, who, along with the TCL crew, will be taking on the following episodes: “The Chaser,” “The Passerby” and “Monsters Are Due on Maple Street.”
“There is some parody of Twilight Zone in this production, but I would never say we’re mocking it,” Utterback explains. “We do some gender-bending with what was a male-dominated acting field in the 1950s. And we’ve chosen to keep the costumes in the period of the time. Most of [the characters] are dressed in black, white and gray so it looks like you’re watching a TV show from the 1950s. We also do commercial parodies, and we have a lot of fun with those.”
Twilight Zone: Live! on Stage! opens tonight and runs through November 16 at the Mary Miller Theater, 300 East Simpson Street in Lafayette; tickets are $10 to $16. For more information, call 720-209-2154 or visit tclstage.com.
Fridays, Saturdays, 7:30 p.m.; Sun., Nov. 3, 2 p.m.; Thu., Nov. 7, 7:30 p.m. Starts: Oct. 25. Continues through Nov. 16, 2013