"Virga: The Sound Performance" is an innovative collaboration between two Denver-based artists. "Virga" is an existing installation on the bridge, designed by artist Patrick Marold. Over 300 stainless steel tubes are integrated into the structural steel and will, in time, support the vines that are growing on the bridge. Those vines will eventually evolve into a living canopy, reflecting the sun's shadows throughout the day, and changing images through the seasons.
Morton Waller, a multimedia artist who concentrates on sonic tones, has composed an arrangement that interprets the visual aspects of "Virga." He'll perform it live underneath the bridge at sunset. Arts & Venues public art administrator Rudi Cerri thinks the avant-garde piece will be an exciting addition to lower downtown. "When people think of public art, they think of physical pieces, but musicians, actors and dancers are artists as well and should partake in the process," he says.
The performance will start at 8:30 p.m, and last about twelve minutes as "the art transcends from daylight into darkness," Cerri explains.
A reception with the artists will be held at the MCA Café on the rooftop of the museum after the performance.
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