Andrews has created a sculpture called the “Void Seed,” which is held together by the bloody clothing of a friend who chopped his hand off in a wood shop; it’s filled with artifacts such as a coyote pelt, a copy of David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest, and a Ronald Reagan mask. And it was recently charged up with a ritual at the Brooklyn International Performance Festival. “We created a drone choir, and we sang to it to impart it with the energy that we think would tip civilization toward its end,” explains Andrews. The artist will walk thirty miles with the “Void Seed” from Denver International Airport to Counterpath, 613 22nd Street, where he’ll perform another ritual and bury the object. “Art in a white-walled space seems too didactic for me, so my approach is to sort of take this work and build a frame inside of a city or a sacred space and then crash it apart and see what happens,” Andrews says. “In a sense, we as a culture, we crave this. We crave to bear witness to each other, and we crave to let go in front of each other.”
Members of the community are invited to help bring on the End of Empire with Andrews at Xanadu Street and Colfax Avenue be-tween 4 and 5 p.m., and at Humboldt Street and Colfax at around 7 p.m. The ritual will follow at Counterpath, along with a reception and discussion. For more information, visit and Andrews will be tweeting and Vine-ing the performance at @andrewsautomat with hashtag #endofempire.
Sun., Sept. 1, 2013