Best Off-Season Farmers' Market 2005 | Goodness to Go | Best of Denver® | Best Restaurants, Bars, Clubs, Music and Stores in Denver | Westword
For those addicted to the charms of the farmers' market, winter comes as a horrible shock. But thanks to Bonnie Smith, such guilty pleasures live on during the gloomy season at Goodness to Go, a tiny store fronting her backroom bakery at Quiche Factory Catering. In snow or sleet, addicts can buy such favorite summer-market treats as Big Mike's barbecue sauces, Loredana's Pestos, Oro Blanco goat cheese and Minnie Beasley's almond-lace cookies. A taste of spring in a bleak, bleak world.

Enstrom's Almond Toffee, arguably Grand Junction's greatest gift to the planet, has had a shop in Cherry Creek North for years. But the company recently moved to a larger space a few doors down. There's now a full-fledged coffee bar, an adjacent Internet-cafe area, and a much broader selection of ice cream, chocolates and other sinful snacks. Yet the store also retains all of the features that have kept fans coming back, including a sample tray of almond toffee that's always temptingly in view. Your waistline may expand just by looking at it, but what a way to grow.

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