Note: Record Store Day is an annual event honoring independent record stores -- a onetime retail staple that's becoming an endangered species. In an effort to preserve this important cultural resource, dozens of artists are lending their support to this year's bash on Saturday, April 18, by issuing exclusive material, including loads of unique seven-inch singles, that can only be found at retailers such as Twist & Shout, 2508 E. Colfax -- ground zero for the celebration in Denver. Each weekday between now and then, we'll feature a different 45 that's sure to make your collection cooler. Learn more at the Record Store Day website or the Twist & Shout home page.
Bob Dylan has been putting out seven-inches since the early '60s. His latest: Dreaming From You, which features "Dreamin' Of You," from Tell Tale Signs: The Bootleg Series, Vol. 8, plus a version of "Down Along the Cove," from the John Wesley Harding long-player, as captured live at the Bonnaroo festival. Dylan completists now have a new item on their shopping list.