Wells didn't get a lot of face time on the season premiere last Thursday, but she's clearly making a good impression. During introductions, a judge singled out her shorts -- created by Wells, of course.
And then, in the initial challenge -- which called for making an outfit out of a bedsheet and whatever the contestants had been sleeping in, without benefit of a stop by a washing machine -- Wells created a dress out of her yoga pants, and added a graphic patch from the T-shirt she'd been wearing -- an art shirt called "The Morning After," but better known as the "Puking Clown," by artist Paul Southworth.It was definitely the first time a vomiting clown figure had been seen on this show (which has seen just about everything else), and Wells reports that the shirt, now on sale for $10 at Threadless.com, is going fast.
But then, it looks like Wells is on the fast track, too. Still, when we chatted last night, she was most excited about what the show could mean for the local fashion scene. And thanks to Wells and the other entrepreneurs who just keep creating in this town, Denver's looking very, very good.
More from our Calhoun: Wake-Up Call archive: "Professor Splash's belly flop proves America's Got Talent -- of a very strange kind (VIDEO)."