While the word "Walmart" didn't come up when Hancock met with residents at the Rude rec center, the organizers of Stopwalmartnow are already planning to meet and greet the mayor tomorrow: "It is time to show Mayor Hancock how we feel about the proposed Fuqua/Walmart development!" reads an e-mail alert about tomorrow's meeting. "You can also stop to pick up yard signs and sign the petition and learn how you can help."
For the record, here's the official invite from Mayor Hancock:
Dear Neighbor,No matter how you feel about Walmart, "Cabinet in the Community" is a good way to connect with city officials. Mark your calendars....Please join me from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. this Saturday, September 29, for my next "Cabinet in the Community" meeting at the Montclair Recreation Center, 729 Ulster Way in the Lowry neighborhood.
As Mayor, I'm committed to seeking as much public input as possible, to strengthening citizen engagement and to building bridges between City Hall and every neighborhood in Denver.
While our great City is faring better than many others around the nation, we still face tough decisions ahead on how best to move Denver forward. And I am dedicated to ensuring those decisions are made with your voice, your input and your participation.
The decisions we make don't just impact one neighborhood or one business - they impact all of us. That's why community outreach and public input are so important to me and my administration.
These town halls will offer residents an opportunity to meet top City officials and hear brief presentations on priority efforts such as job-creation, children's initiatives, public safety and sustainable City finances. We will also provide opportunities to meet one-on-one with department heads and agency directors. Residents will have a chance to share ideas, ask questions and express concerns about issues facing the City.
We're looking forward to getting your feedback while also helping to shed some light on how City government can help solve problems and improve the quality of life in Denver.
Once again, I invite you to join me this Saturday, September 29 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Montclair Recreation Center and take an active role in the decision-making that will help deliver a world-class city where everyone matters.
I look forward to seeing you!
Michael B. Hancock Mayor
At the second Cabinet in the City meeting, Debrucing was the major topic, with Denver Treasurer Cary Kennedy leading that discussion. Read more in "Michael Hancock takes cabinet to community for a preview of de-Brucing briefing."