"Gone to Pot," Patricia Calhoun, december 26
I have been concerned that Colorado officials make this state look very humorless in their approach to implementing Amendment 64. No matter what else happens, we'll show the world a real Rocky Mountain high.
Joe Conner
If you were the only pot-friendly house on the block, would you advertise to all your neighbors? The real message to the rest of the country should be to legalize your own damn weed! Don't come trash our state, ignore all the other cool stuff we have to offer and break our rules. We aren't Amsterdam.
Chad Hill
Posted on Facebook
Thank you, Westword, that was very helpful.
Shawna Cook
Posted on Facebook
"Parks & Wreck," Alan Prendergast, December 19
My family and I have been residents of South City Park for the last ten years. I am the father of two elementary school girls who love walking and biking to City Park and the Dustin Redd playground on a weekly basis! I attended at least a half-dozen public meetings hosted by Denver Parks and Recreation on the Re:Imagine City Park Competition, both before the City Loop concept was selected and after its selection. I even took my children to a couple of the meetings. Your article "Parks & Wreck" is quite one-sided. It does not appear that you sought any opinions from the numerous families who live in the neighborhoods surrounding City Park that support major park and playground improvements. Our neighborhood is made up of many young professional families as well as many retirees, which makes for a great community. However, it seems that many of these folks from older generations are not interested in anything new in South City Park, including the recently opened Sprouts Market. It would be interesting to know the average age of the opponents that you interviewed. Next time you write about such a controversial neighborhood issue, you should interview people on both sides.
It is important to note the technical misinformation being spread by the Stop City Loop group that the City Loop will "take" thirteen acres of park land. The ten acres in the center of the loop will basically be untouched and will remain as passive open space, with grass and large existing mature trees. I encourage you to write a follow-up story after the January 15 South City Park Neighborhood Association meeting in which we will take a vote for supporting or opposing City Loop. You should send a representative to this meeting.
J.J. Folsom
Editor's note: The city has put City Loop on hold for now; read all about it on page 11.