Speaking of meat, murder and animals, Kate Kennedy issued the five most shocking food facts from Food, Inc., a controversial must-watch film that explores where our food comes from -- and what happens to it before it passes our lips. It's not pretty.
And speaking of more meat, Ernie's Bar and Pizza opened this week with a menu of pizzas, strombolis, calzones and assorted antipasti, including prosciutto, mortadella, salami, bresaola, coppa and chorizo, while Home, Mark Tarbell's newest restaurant, opened in the Streets at SouthGlenn with a comfort food menu with several nods to -- you guessed it -- meat.
If you'd like to make reservations at those restaurants (or any other restaurant), first check out Jason Sheehan's "Ask a Critic," in which he questions whether Denver foodophiles make reservations at Denver's hottest addresses -- or go the impromptu, walk-in route. Like him.
Jared Boller, bartender around town, and the focus of Nancy Levine's Behind the Bar interview, doesn't issue an opinion on reservations, but he does reserve the right to cut you off if you're a meth addict.
Espresso, not meth, is the jolt of choice for Opus executive chef Michael Long, the subject of this week's Chef and Tell with Lori Midson, and a guy who's a refreshing breath of fresh air for his candid opinions on food and dining and predilection for foie gras.
There are some people, I'm sure, who think that Guy Fieri and all his infinite wisdom on diners, dives, drive-ins, is equally refreshing. To those people, we bring you the lowdown on his upcoming appearance at the Paramount Theater on Wednesday, December 9. Just for the fun of it, we've also added Tony Bourdain's no-holds-barred comments on Fieri, Sandra Lee, Rachel Ray, Chris Angel and Hell's Kitchen.
Patty Calhoun brings us the highs lowdown on the new medical marijuana dispensary from the owners of 8 Rivers, who also plan to offer pot teas and a monthly "Cooking with Marijuana" class as part of their "complete holistic health" regimen. Pass the brownies.