The show, scheduled to air on May 9, is hosted by Cat Cora and Curtis Stone, and pits twelve chefs against one another in a forty-day race that journeys across ten countries, including China, Argentina, England, Italy, France, Morocco, Spain, Thailand, the United States and Uruguay. Big-name celeb chefs, including José Andrés, Wolfgang Puck and Nigella Lawson, make plenty of cameos as the show's "food ambassadors."
"Contestants will travel to a different international city where they will learn the local customs, cultures, and cuisines as they participate in a gauntlet of culinary challenges. Ultimately, they will face-off in a kitchen takeover where they will not only recreate, but reinvent the menus for world-renowned restaurants and their demanding owners," notes the Bravo website.
Johansen, whom I just spoke with on the phone, promises to give us her first interview -- just as soon as she's given the green light to divulge.
In the meantime, here's a sneak peek of the pilot: