Here's Jake's take:
It was cool to see Biker Jim get some press. However, I felt that the host was a bit patronizing and was out of line saying Jim was stoned all the time. Anyone that knows Jim knows that he has been sober for over 20 years. I am afraid Udo came off looking like an arrogant outsider treating Biker Jim like a peasant in his own home. Why are we so lucky to have a elitist egomaniac plop his self serving stroke-fest in our town. Biker Jim does not need Udo to validate what he is doing.
Barrfly2 was less polite:
I couldn't even make it through one episode of this show. Who watches this shit. That guy is an asshole, idiot, and a pretentious fuck! He is everything bad about the passion for food. I will watch one more episode though on behalf of Biker Jim and wonder how come nobody has kicked Ludo's ass. Hey, Ludo; Bite me!
We're willing to bet that Biker Jim could easily kick Ludo's ass. And we'd definitely watch that episode.
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