Would you eat horse? Even the question offended some.
See also: - Eating a dead horse: Five reasons why horse meat isn't such a terrible tragedy - End of a ban on slaughterhouse inspections could have gourmands horsing around - Boulder elk killed by cop deserves a memorial and not JonBenet? Really?
Says Hillary:
This is the most idiotic thing I've read since you wrote about the elk vigil in Boulder. Trying to convince people it's okay to eat horse because other countries do it is an insult. Plus your persuasive tactics suck ass.
And then there's this from Fernanda:
You just lost me as a reader - permanently.
But Barbara responds:
I do not understand the problem. I lived in Belgium (have Belgian citizenship) and I bought horse meat, cooked horse meat and we ate horse meat and we are all alive today.
Alive, and reading. Add your comments on the horse meat controversy below, or join the conversation already under way here.
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