Which led to this hilarious exchange:
Didldidi: Can someone explain to me what "the cutting edge of the food scene" is?Mantonat: Didldidi It's the thing that's used to slice up the vegetables of the food scene.
But the focus soon returned to the new Squeaky Bean. See also: - Reader: Squeaky Bean shows that Denver is not on the cutting edge of the food scene - Review: Squeaky Bean could write the book on innovative handling. - Slide Show: Inspired eats at Squeaky Bean
And herepiggypiggy says this:
I thought the old SB was way better in terms of flavor and presentation, as well as more reasonbly priced vs the new space. I really don't care for multiple foams in my dishes nor a 30 min wait for cocktails due to manual ice chipping. The concepts of some of the dishes just doesn't seem to come out correctly on the plate at the new location. I believe the limited kitchen burners and small kitchen space was what brought the real talent and "wow" factor to the food at the old Highlands location. New location is just smoke and mirrors in my opinion.
Have you been to the new Squeaky Bean? What did you think? Post your thoughts below, or join the conversation already under way on the original review. And remember: We'll post a preview of the next review here tomorrow.
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