Denver's ten best restaurant patios | Denver | Denver Westword | The Leading Independent News Source in Denver, Colorado

Denver's ten best restaurant patios

1 of 10
Ignite!, 2124 Larimer Street

Ignite!, which I review this week, may not exactly be our top choice for food in the neighborhood, but there's no arguing with the lure of its outdoor attributes. Skip the street-side strip of tables for the rooftop deck, where you'll be rewarded with a partial view of the skyline, a full view of what's going below you -- and in Ballpark, you never know what that might be -- and a spot where you'll want to while away several hours drinking beer.
The weather's warming up in Denver, which means that for the past several hours, we've been doing nothing but daydreaming of our favorite patios, counting down the minutes until we can shut down the computers and head outside for a drink. So in the spirit of celebrating today -- and the onset of late spring and early summer -- here, in no particular order, are Denver's ten best restaurant patios.

This list by Laura Shunk originally appeared on our Cafe Society restaurants blog, become a regular by visiting it often. You can even order "the usual" if you'd like.