Pablo Kjolseth, the heartbeat of CU-Boulder's time-honored International Film Series, is all about analog, and though he's now being forced to add digital equipment to IFS's projection rooms (new celluloid is essentially history with the recent passing of the Digital Cinema Initiatives), he promises to still deliver film classics on celluloid whenever possible. Kjolseth stands by the idea that a movie should be viewed in its original medium, and insists that there are plenty of older reels still floating around; he's collected an extensive archive at IFS over the years. On the other hand, digital projectors will not only allow Kjolseth to continue programming short runs of more current films shot digitally, but will also open up other programming possibilities: "I'm excited to be able to stay current," he says. "Going digital means that I might eventually be able to add 3-D to the bells and whistles available at IFS. More independent films are being made using 3-D technology." So at IFS, you can have your 3-D...and your classics, too. Live long and prosper.