Finn O'Sullivan (EP Vinyl Release Show) | Mercury Cafe | Music, Singer-Songwriter | Denver Westword | The Leading Independent News Source in Denver, Colorado

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Finn O'Sullivan (EP Vinyl Release Show)

with Halle Dean and Goldwoman

Finn O’Sullivan’s latest, Best Last Words, is a punch in the heart. Laced with her usual humor, the album explores the intricacies of brokenheartedness with equal parts vulnerability and candid badassery. This record has been a long time in the making, and O'Sullivan will be playing it in its entirety at the Merc on May 2. She'll have her full band with her, all of whom are featured on the record. Plus it's on vinyl, folks, and there are bonus tracks, and Taylor Swift-esque coded liner notes. Don’t miss it.

  • Mercury Cafe

    2199 California St., Denver Downtown Denver


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