Kids' Matinee: Fantastical Folk Tales from Around the World (featuring Seth Harris) | Dazzle | Music, Children, Summer Guide | Denver Westword | The Leading Independent News Source in Denver, Colorado

Kids' Matinee: Fantastical Folk Tales from Around the World (featuring Seth Harris)

Kids' Matinee: Fantastical Folk Tale from Around the World
Seth Harris
Amazing poet and percussionist, Seth Harris, will take you on a journey featuring the most passionate of musical instruments, the DRUM! Explore its significance in folktale history as we bring to life a unique story from India about a little boy who longs for his very own drum. A literal “hands on” experience for all!

Funding is provided for the Kids’ Matinee by the ‘Music In Action’ grant from the Live Music Society.

  • Dazzle

    1080 14th St., Denver Downtown Denver


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