9. Dwarves - Blood, Guts & Pussy While this one doesn't actually bother us that much, we could see why some people would find it offensive. For starters, there are boobies and hoo-haws covered in blood. And if that doesn't offend you, there's a nude midget who's wiener isn't shown, which isn't very much in the spirit of equality -- not that the Dwarves would care.
8. Xiu Xiu - A Promise Speaking of nudity, this one doesn't bother us because of the naked man, so much as the fact he's holding a weird doll. Dolls offend us for a variety of reasons, but a nude man holding one puts the whole thing over the edge. This one was a close tie with Jim O'Rourke's Eureka, but doll trumped bunny rabbit in this case.
7. Scorpions - Lovedrive There's another Scorpions album that's far more controversial (Virgin Killer), but while that one has been covered to death, Lovedrive hasn't got the attention it deserves. It looks like something out of a David Cronenberg film and although it's probably supposed to be gum -- it looks more like something from eXistenz.
6. Regurgitate - Carnivorous Erection Look, there are about 6,000 metal covers we could have chosen for this list, but the best example of what makes metal albums so offensive is encapsulated in Carnivorous Erection: Here, we've got nudity, violence, sexual innuendo and the disgusting factor all in one.
5. Willie Nelson - Shotgun Willie While this one isn't exactly overtly offensive, it is a picture of a gun that looks like upside balls with Willie Nelson's face getting ready to be shot at you. The album might as well be called, You're About to get Inseminated by Willie.
4. Hella - Acoustics Poop, even if it's just chocolate, makes us wretch a little, especially when it has two eyes staring back at us.
3. Barbra Streisand - Superman You know what we've never wanted to see? Barbra Streisand half-naked and smirking at us. But it's too late now. It's embedded in our memories forever and ever, and it'll never leave.
2. Eric Clapton - Cream of Clapton If there is one thing we're not interested in seeing on an album cover it's Eric Clapton jerking off his guitar while staring blissfully into the distance. Look, we know the dude's a wizard with that thing, but there's no need to show it off in public. It's just downright offensive.
1. Beverly Massegee - AmenThere are few things in the world that offend our deeply American roots than a woman in love with a ventriloquist doll -- and an older man no less! Just look at the way they're sitting together, it's disgusting.