Going to the show will net you a long evening of some of Denver's premier pop punk. As evidenced by the flier we've got here, each band comes with a logo, an age-old tradition among bands that seems to, unfortunately, be dying out recently. We're fans of the logos because each one gives us a pretty good idea of each bands sound, especially The Shake Up Brigade. With all those arrows jumping around everywhere there it's clear they'll be an incredibly poppy, bouncy act.
The ship itself brings to mind a journey into the unknown. Or war. We're guessing the night will be a delicate balance between the two but hopefully more introspection and less fighting. You never really know what to expect when you go to a show, do you?
The show itself should be a great way to relieve any post-holiday stress you've pent up, with a (ahem) boatload of music and a sure-to-be-energized audience.