I knew that it was going to be heavy competition," explains Wiig, who works now as a Denver-based digital and online communications strategist. "The actual application was a blind web submission and there was a chance no one would see it, and I figured I needed to come up with a way to get people to actually see it."
So after shuffling through several different approaches, Wiig decided to take the better part of an afternoon building the company's angler fish logo out of LEGO pieces, and equipped it with a scuba diver holding her paper résumé. It was the first time Wiig says she'd done anything to this caliber.
And although she was rejected by NetDevil, her creation ended up being featured as one of 15 coolest résumé list yesterday on the online business site Business Insider."It was a lot of fun," she says about the effort. "I don't consider if a waste in the slightest."
Wiig was also e-mailed by NetDevil's hiring manager, who thanked her for the effort and informed her of the company's future employment opportunities. NetDevil also kept the sculpture, which Wiig says she hopes is sitting in a special place in their office.More from our Business archive: "IKEA Centennial grand opening: Here's why people are waiting in line."