Now LaMay, aka "Grandma Ganj," is back. Yesterday, she protested outside the flea market in a token green graduation gown.
"Lots of traffic, lots of thumbs up and honking. No negative vibe," reports LaMay about her ninety-minute protest, which began just after noon. "I'm going out there next Sunday, same time and place, and will continue to do so until I hear from Mile High Marketplace!"
LaMay may be waiting a while. As Patty Beyers, spokesperson for Mile High Marketplace, noted in an e-mail to Westword last month, the operation's rules regarding medical marijuana are immutable. "Mile High Marketplace's seller guidelines state no drugs or drug paraphernalia (sale or display), pornography of any kind (sale or display), guns and ammunition (sale or display), cigarette or tobacco (sale or display) and live animals," she explained.
Still, that might not matter. LaMay will likely draw more attention to Cannabis University from her flag-waving stunts outside the flea market than she would at a booth inside, surrounded as she'd be by endless antique stalls and vendors of bedazzled T-shirts.
Check out a video of the protest here: