That's what happened to Medical Marijuana Assistance Program of the Rockies, which was needled by Seth Meyers on this weekend's edition of Saturday Night Live. See the clip below.
The gag appeared in the Weekend Update feature, with Meyers announcing, "A doctor in Colorado has converted two trailers into mobile doctor's offices to help dispense medical marijuana to patients in rural areas." Barely a beat later, he continues, "Oh, wait... I read that wrong. Some guy in Colorado is selling weed out of a trailer. There you go."
Congrats, MMAPR. You've hit the big time! The entire SNL episode is below. The joke in question appears in the fifth segment, just past the 42 minute mark.
Update, 8:23 a.m.: Just heard from MMAPR's Vincent Palazzotto, who notes that Saturday Night Live heard about his program to bring medical marijuana to rural areas via a CNN report from last week. Here's the network's package, which takes a considerably more serious look at the subject than did SNL.
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