The original video:
Below are our favorite reader submissions. While some of the original video's discussion section devolved quickly into sh*t-talking California (bad drivers), Texas (even worse) and Utah (just boring), these suggestions hit close to home.
20. "Take the Valley Highway north. That's I-25 north..." 19. "Can I bring my dog there?" 18. "That smell? The Stock Show is in town." 17. "CRAP, I forgot my water bottle!" 16. "Do you remember the real Elitch's?" 15. "You live in Castle Rock? WHY?" 14. "It will always be 'Mile High Stadium' to me." 13. "Did you know Don Cheedle went to East High School?" 12. "I'm traffic, too!" (says the cyclist weaving in and out of traffic) 11. "All the good ethnic food is in Aurora." 10. "Go like three miles towards the mountains, and take a right. Then it's on the mountain side of the street." 9. " The music scene here is one of the best, if not the best in the country. Did you know 3OH!3 is from here? And The Flobots, The Fray, String Cheese Incident, Pretty Lights, Big Head Todd and the Monsters, Breathe Carolina, and so many more I can't even think right now." 8. "You wanna hit this or what?" 7. "Nice boards. Did you get them at Sniagrab?" 6. "No worries." 5. "Fuck you and your Native bumpersticker." 4. "So, how's everything tasting?" (says a waiter or waitress) 3. "Yeah, I did know some people who went to Columbine." 2. "Don't like the weather? Wait five minutes." 1. "Smells like Greeley. Is it supposed to snow?"
Thanks to the following readers for their suggestions: Imbriezy, Dicker, Transplant, Red_lobo, Bob, Katiemae29, jcn7vc, Mandy Jo, strange to the pee and JMAC.
More from our Videos archives: "Video: Sh*t people from Denver say."