Geez -- this blogging seems to be catching on...
The Cat's Pajamas shows off trendy fashions for the well-heeled as well as tips about how to express-shop for less. Sort of a retail yin and yang, if you will. Backbeat Online presents extended Q&As with the men of Git Some and former Eagles guitarist Don Felder, who dishes about his ex-bandmates in a new book. Read it at the Hotel California. Cafe Society chronicles the demises of Isles of Singapore and Wolfie's Neighborhood Bistro and discusses what's aleing Miller, Coors and Bud. Brewing up some clever spelling, aren't we? And Demver takes another sniff of the Denver Doo Doo Accord, presents pics from inside the Pepsi Center, notes Jared Polis' endorsement of himself, measures the brainpower of Bob Schaffer's son Justin, and whisks you to Invesco Field for the recently concluded press conference announcing details of the ticketing giveaway for Barack Obama's acceptance speech. You'll find another copy of the last blog below this one, as well. But isn't it nice to have options? -- Michael Roberts