Here at Westword, we have a soft spot in our hearts for all local demonstrations of community between struggling cultural organizations. But when one of our designated Masterminds, Jason Bosch of ArgusFest, reaches out a helping hand to another, the Denver Voice, well, we just have to feel a little bit puffed up. Case in point: Canceled last week due to blizzard, Bosch's Kicking It for the Denver Voice benefit screening should go on as planned tonight at 7 p.m. at the Mercury Café, 2199 California Street, in a show of love for the local voice of the homeless. And, regardless of the event's overriding purpose, Kicking It, a documentary narrated by Colin Farrell, is a kick all by its lonesome. The story of the 2006 Homeless World Cup in Cape Town, South Africa, it focuses on six players at a remarkable gathering of 500 homeless soccer players from fifty countries, third world and otherwise, that took place in the shadow of the other World Cup -- the one people know about and watch all over the world. Think you'll walk out of the Merc without a tear on your cheek?
ArgusFest charges a $5 donation at the door for this and all its weekly screenings (or will barter for volunteer time), but a little extra for the Denver Voice would be appreciated. Visit for information.
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