"We had an amazing session with the fellas from Dirty Dozen," says FaceMan's unimonikered frontman Steve. "The track sounds amazing. We kicked it with those guys and they loved my girlfriend Jenna's jambalaya. Later that night I was out drinking with my buddy Chip, talking about how amazing the experience was, and he brought to my attention that Rebirth is playing the Bluebird on Thursday."
With that in mind, Steve did what any rational player in his position would do: He reached out to Rebirth Brass Band with a similar invite, and next thing you know, old Jed's a millionaire. Next Thursday, FaceMan will be hitting Uneven again with eight members of Rebirth in tow to add parts to "FeedingTime," another track from the new record.
"Two of the nine tunes on this record were going to have horns on them, and now we have Dirty Dozen featured on one and Rebirth on the other," Steve points out. "It's going to be a totally different horn section sound because both bands have different instrumentation and with Rebirth we'll get percussion.
"This is absolutely surreal!" he marvels. "Within two weeks we will have worked with two world famous bands from New Orleans. "