It's pretty easy to spot the influences of School Knights, but between every Vivian Girls or Times New Viking riff, you can tell the band knows the roots of what's its aping, which is to say All Dawgz Go 2 Heaven owes as much to Jesus and Mary Chain as it does to a scuffed up Beach Boys record. Just listen to the fifth track, "Fuck the Beach," if you need any indication of how the band composites it all together.
There is a decidedly snarky vocal vibe that carries through the whole record, too. It's more punk than you'd probably expect from the group, which is especially evident on tracks like "Ghost Kid," where the snarl comes through the recording in full view. There's a solid edge to the often lost-in-fuzz guitar licks, and the sound gets filled out here more in general, actually, with a full four-piece instead of just two on a good amount of the albums new tracks (a few appeared on the bands split with Pacific Pride).
More importantly than anything, this record is fun to listen to. It makes us wish it had come out closer to the beginning of summer, because it feels like a kickass city driving soundtrack. Check it out and download it below, or if you feel like donating to the band, purchase a copy from Bandcamp.