The title cut nods toward the Nuggets comps cited as influences on the band's Web site; it's noisy, distorted and as twitchy as a meth head in an adult bookstore. But there's also a healthy supply of unpredictable elements on hand. The tune is introduced by over a minute's worth of Jonathan Kirkscey's mournful cello sawing before cheap yet creepy studio effects are used to transition into a melody that's simultaneously arty and brutal. Kirkscey takes center stage again on "Energy Drink & the Long Walk Home," which mates string power with vintage synths handled by Jay Reatard and Alicja Trout on a track just perfect for galactic surfing. As for the closing "Frozen in Time," it places the sloppily satisfying rhythms of bassist Jonas Garland and drummer Rich Crook at the service of a cut custom-made for a Z-movie soundtrack.
"Blackcoats/Whitefear," a Columbine-esque tale of psycho youth, calls past musical eras to mind, too, but its energy and oddness prevent it from turning into just another exercise in homage. That's why these Lost Sounds are well worth finding.