Kirsten Dunst has been lighting up the fashion blogosphere with her on-again-off-again relationship with style as she trounces through European press junkets promoting Spidey 3, trying ever so hard to convince crowds that she could, in fact, portray falling if shoved off a cliff. (Naturally, nobody believes her.)
The snarky fashionistas over at Go Fug Yourself had plenty to say about Kiki and her various outfits, but they fully mischaractarized this one (photo courtsey of as looking like "she's about to hop on the trapeze at a gay circus."
No, no, no. Cat would say she came out on the losing side of an epic battle with her curtains, but then she reazlied, no, Kiki actually had a thought. She was trying to be ironic and hip. She was trying to modernize the look of Denver's favorite (faux) celebrity, Linda Evans as Krystle Carrington.Don't you see the resemblance? Bob, plunging neckline, giant sleeves, vacant look.
Oh yes, Denver, it is time for the return of the Carringtons...and their sprawling Denver estate that wasn't really shot in Denver, but who's counting?