Magic Cyclops, in all his majesty.
The focus of November 15's Big Night presentation at 31st annual Starz Denver Film Festival was Slumdog Millionaire, a flick reviewed in the blog "Slumdog Millionaire Makes for a Big Night at the Denver Film Festival." But there was plenty going on outside the Ellie Caulkins Opera House prior to the screening -- including a Magic Cyclops sighting. Look below for more shots of beautiful people, regular people and ornately garbed dancers doing the Slumdog Millionaire shuffle. -- Michael Roberts
Someone famous enough to have his photo taken -- but not for me to know who he is.
"Behold the power of my laminate."
Regular folks line up as special folks get flashed.
"Say 'cheese.'"
Welcome to Bollywood, Colorado-style, courtesy of a crew from Denver's Bollywood West dance studio.
This is what's known in Mumbai as "spirit fingers."