Snow. Sun. Snow. Sun. Clouds. Thunder. Heat. Cold.
We realize this is Colorado. We realize that if you don't like the weather in Colorado, wait an hour. We realize that it's kind of fun experiencing all four seasons in a 24-hour period sometimes. But c'mon. The past week has been a little much (and it's only going to get worse: Sunshine today and ten inches of snow predicted for Saturday).
I guess Mother Nature is dishing out a little payback for our greedy consumption of 70-degree days in February -- and that's all well and good. But I have patios to sit on and cold beers to drink, and it's no fun to pop open an icy one and tilt my face toward the sun only to have to hurry inside a moment later with my snow-covered tail between my legs (check out the 9News weather "planner" above).
There are flip flops and snow boots next to each other by my closet. I've turned on both the A.C. and the heater in my car in the past few days. I wanted to water the grass, but I don't want to burst my pipes.
Forecast calls for sun, snow and a chance of Shmucky weather.
For previous Shmucks, see our Shmuck of the Week archive.