According to the Weld County Sheriff's Office, Trenton Parker recently received a ninety-day sentence for contempt of court because he's refusing to clean up his property to the jurist's satisfaction. So, of course, he decided to circulate a flyer advertising for people willing to shoot 24 horses a week from Saturday. Of course! Makes perfect sense! Except for the fact that participating would result in a felony cruelty-to-animals charge, it sounds like a great time!
Read the WCSO release and the text of the flyer below.
Disgruntled citizen disperses flyerA flyer indicating a search for rifleman executioners is being dispersed around Weld County. Trenton Parker is upset with Weld County Zoning codes as he faces a 90 day jail sentence for contempt of court regarding his court order to clean up his property located at county roads 8 and 35 north of Lochbuie, CO. The court order has been in effect since December 31, 2007; to date he has failed to clean up the property from converted mobile homes. Mr Parker has made notice through this flyer that he is looking for riflemen to publicly execute 24 registered horses in protest of the zoning codes at high noon on September 5th. Any participation in this activity would be considered illegal and charges of felony cruelty to animals could be enforced. Anyone with additional information is asked to call the Weld County Sheriff's Office at 970-356-4015 ext 2850 or contact Weld County Animal Control through dispatch at 970-350-9600.
John B. Cooke -- Sheriff
Flyer text:
PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTPublic Execution of 24 Registered Horses to Protest Weld County Zoning Codes
12 p.m. -- Hight [sic] Noon
Saturday, September 5th, 2009
W.C.R. 8 & W.C.R. 35
For Tea Party Information
Call 303-654-1038