"Another ugly Martino real estate investment," October 30, 2008: "I found more evidence of neglect: a vacant house whose yard is overgrown with weeds and filled with trash."
"Tom Martino's arrogance helps him win court case," April 29, 2009: "A key part of the judgment states that Martino's program "contains many of the elements that would reduce the audience's expectation of learning an objective fact: drama, hyperbolic language, an opinionated and arrogant host, and heated controversy." In other words, his style and approach are so intertwined with entertainment value and self-promotion that anyone who actually believes what he's saying gets what he or she deserves."
"Martino TV debut: A real sell job," June 1, 2009: "At least the show is watchable -- or it will be for those who enjoy morning fare with a large slice of ego."
"Troubleshooter Tom Martino uses TV and radio to promote the trickle-up economics of Efusjon," July 23, 2009: "The pyramid structure that defines income distribution in these networks has helped promulgate two views of the multibillion-dollar-a-year multi-level marketing industry. The first is that these are legitimate businesses that have chosen to bypass marketing and distribution costs by incentivizing everyday people to sell their merchandise or services. The other is that multi-level marketing is a legal scam that allows a small number of people to reap massive profits by building what amounts to a Ponzi scheme around a bunch of overpriced crap.""Tom Martino attempts to ambush Westword writer in McDonald's parking lot!," August 13, 2009: "He didn't seem to be moving as quickly as the mustachioed Martino I remember watching on TV in the '80s when he could hurdle all manner of parking blocks and bushes in his pursuit of crooks and scammers."
Tom Martino: "Westword Can't Handle the Truth!" from Joe Tone on Vimeo.
More from our Media archive: "Is Tom Martino afraid of Adam Cayton-Holland?"